Wednesday, February 23, 2011

When All Else Fails...

... resort to violence.  Oh, wait, isn't that why GW Bush was vilified?  For resorting to war to ensure we never faced another attack on our own soil?  But then again, that wasn't as personal as cutting into someone's guaranteed coffee breaks, and vacation time... I guess...

Monday, January 24, 2011

But Why?

If Obamacare is the new salvation, and those who oppose it evil incarnate, why grant waivers from this saving grace to those (cough, cough) bastions of humanitarian watch dogs (i.e. Unions - figured I had to specify since not everyone would make the connection with "humanitarian watch dogs")?

This article from CNS News is quite enlightening... hmmmm... wonder why MSNBC isn't covering this?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Will California Ever Learn?

Last night watching the elections results, I felt I was watching from another country--a soon to be third-world country if we cannot learn, if we cannot put pride aside and admit our ideological values have skewed dangerously, arrogantly, out of control.  As conservatives took over the house, as democrat after democrat fell, Barbara Boxer and Jerry Brown made it out of the fire unscathed.  Even Nancy Pelosi can survive in California's government.

Will California ever learn that misplaced pride has no place in the voter's booth?  There is only room for oneself and their conscious.  However, my state has yet to grow out of its adolescent rebelliousness, and I can only hope its wake up call does not come too late, that it is not the call parents of such adolescents dread... total, bloody, destruction.

Monday, October 25, 2010

As If We Didn't Know

Out of the jackass' (Democratic symbol, that is - wink, wink!) mouth:

1992 Interview on CNN

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Liberal "Logic"

Whenever the movie “A Time To Kill” is recalled, it is oft remembered as a mediocre movie with one very powerful scene.  A young, black girl is brutally assaulted in rural Mississippi by two members of the KKK; her father takes vengeance killing the men, and must then face an all white jury for double homicide.  His defense lawyer’s closing argument goes over every horrifying detail of the daughter’s attack, with his final admonishment to the jury being to imagine if the girl had been white.  It is such a haunting moment; the realization that some people are so dangerously intolerant they can only be convinced of a crime if they imagine the victim is of their own race.

It is, also, haunting to know this type of ignorance is blatantly rearing its head with sparse coverage from the media, nor any great outcry from the politically correct demanding answers.  It appears we must invoke the aforementioned “logic” once again, only this time in reverse:

On Election Day 2008, Minister Malik Zulu Shabazz, leader of Philadelphia’s New Black Panthers, stood in front of a polling place dressed in paramilitary uniform yielding a nightstick.  Two more Black Panthers members, in identical uniforms, accompanied Shabazz—they were all caught on video, and all three were charged with the federal offense of voter intimidation brought forth by the Bush Administration.  Consequently, the DOJ obtained a default judgment, which is only fitting considering the violation of the Voter Rights Act.

However, Attorney General Eric Holder, appointed by the Obama Administration, quietly dismissed all charges against the two other members, while reducing Mr. Shabazz's charges to nothing more than a slap on the wrist.  Mr. Holder was satisfied to accept the word of the leader of The New Black Panthers, a racist and violence-inciting organization, that he’d refrain from carrying a deadly weapon near a polling place until the year 2012.  Mr. Shabazz, whose been videoed spouting his belief that in order to gain freedom “you’re gonna have to kill some crackers” and “you’re gonna have to kill some of their babies” too, and who is a staunch Obama supporter, had only to pinky promise to emerge unscathed from serious charges that were never rebutted by the defendants. 

Another frightening thought is what happens after 2012?  He can once again don his billyclub and intimidate “crackers”?  Is it really coincidence that the year 2012 was chosen, the same year Obama will run for his second term, allowing Malik Shabazz and the Black Panthers to be free and clear to enforce "security" once again?

Seeing as dangerous intolerance does not only run rampant in rural backwaters, I address the Obama Administration, and Mr. Holder in particular, on the new liberal “logic” needed to address this case:

Imagine the Klu Klux Klan dressed in white sheets and pointy hats yielding nightsticks, and standing in front of a polling place during election time.  What action should be taken?  What action WOULD be taken if the targets were not "crackers"?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Truth in Cartoons

"The Boxer must be woken every 6 years for the election ritual.  It allows her to feed undisturbed on small businesses and higher taxes."

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